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Wednesday, September 29

There is something about Jack Straw that makes you want to reach out and touch him..

Jack Straw, UK foreign minister on Robert Mugabe.

Jack Straw said yesterday that he had shaken hands with President Robert Mugabe because it was "dark" and he did not realise he was greeting the Zimbabwean leader.
The Foreign Secretary, who had described Mr Mugabe's last election victory as a "tragedy" for the people of Zimbabwe, met him last week at a reception in New York.
After he was filmed meeting Mr Mugabe by BBC2's Newsnight programme, Mr Straw said: "I hadn't expected to see President Mugabe there. Because it was quite dark in that corner, I was being pushed towards shaking hands with somebody just as a matter of courtesy and then it transpired it was President Mugabe."
Well....... at least he didn't call him 'sambo'.

Monday, September 27

WARNING !! disgusting pussy pic !

It's been a bad week....nothing went right

A German man has been fined $925 for punching and killing his parrot for screeching uncontrollably. "I'd had a row with my girlfriend and she left me. Charlie wouldn't stop screeching. So I punched him. I'm so sorry. He was a good friend," the defendant, 41, told the court.

Wednesday, September 22

Yes, but it's a different sort of 'inner warmth'.

"Happiness is like peeing in your pants. Everyone can see it, but no one feels the warmth like you do."

Friday, September 10

And now for something different....

Posted by Hello

Well..that's it folks!..if you're not going to check out the archives it's time to close up and head home....thanks for calling !

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......things that go "bump" in the night......

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