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Sunday, November 28

Lunch just got dangerous.

A local man in Louisville, Kentucky, was surprised, after making a grilled cheese sandwich and taking a bite out of it, to see the face of Yasser Arafat staring at him. "I made the sandwich just before sitting down to watch Fox News on November 10th," Ben Larper told BNN. When I reached down for the sandwich, there it was, the same face as on the television!"
Israeli foreign ministry officials recommended the US investigate the source of funds for the sandwich.
For Larper, the sandwich is a sign that Arafat lives on. "Arafat remains the symbol of the Palestinian cause. With many commentators on TV saying that the Palestinians are 'toast' following the Bush election and Arafat's death, it makes sense to me that Arafat would try to communicate with the world through the medium of bread to give us hope he said."
For story source click HERE

Wednesday, November 24

Happy Thanksgiving...America.

Family pet hits the wall...

It has been revealed a Hamilton, New Zealand woman was so angry about police taking her three preserved snakes that she stormed into the police station and threw a jar of pickled kittens at the counter.
The jar shattered.
Susan Hoskyn says she was so mad she could barely contain herself as she made her way to the police station about 1 o'clock on Sunday afternoon. Police say there was nothing amusing about the encounter as the jar was full of highly toxic formaldehyde. The public counter had to be closed, two phones had to be replaced, and police are monitoring the health of staff who may have absorbed the chemical or its fumes. Hoskyn was arrested and has appeared in court charged with behaving in an offensive manner.

(copyright NewstalkZB News)

Friday, November 19

Margaret Hassan.

Margaret Hassan has been murdered by her terrorist captors. The horror is not only that Margaret Hassan was a woman, but that she devoted her life to assisting Iraquis in need. Her killers are sub-human, demonic people with a satanic religion.

Saturday, November 13

The arafat funeral was a sombre affair...all his closest friends were there !

Thursday, November 4

Bush wins !! Iran,North Korea and Syria mess their pants...

Doing Gods' work..

A man has leaped into the African lions den at the Taipei zoo in an attempt to convert the lions to Christianity. "Jesus will save you" the 46-year old shouted at the lions. For some reason he raised both hands and shouted "come bite me" of the lions bit him before it could be subdued with water hoses and tranquilisers.

Monday, November 1

4 more years of 'Bushisms' ? ..your choice.

It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it."
"I think we agree, the past is over."
"And if he continues that, I'm going to tell the nation what I think about him as a human being and a person."
"...more and more of our imports are coming from overseas."
"It's a school full of so-called at-risk children. It's how we, unfortunately, label certain children. It means basically they can't learn. ... It's one of the best schools in Houston."
"I think if you know what you believe, it makes it a lot easier to answer questions. I can't answer your question."
"Drug therapies are replacing a lot of medicines as we used to know it."
"Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream."
"A surplus means there'll be money left over. Otherwise, it wouldn't be called a surplus."

Well..that's it folks!..if you're not going to check out the archives it's time to close up and head home....thanks for calling !

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