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Saturday, July 30

No one knows what really happened...they say he just lost his nerve..

Friday, July 29

Stop worrying...he'll be just fine at his Grandmas' until we get back from vacation..

Wednesday, July 27

Now that's modesty for you....I would've changed the hats around !!

Monday, July 25

Uncle Jethro would never talk about what happened that day he had his accident ...

Could this be the worlds' most stupid man?

Sunday, July 24

He liked to "get out of the office" and relax with a quiet day fishing.....

Saturday, July 23

'Understanding' the key to a successful relationship.

Friday, July 22

Maybe I should lock it...looks like a rough neighbourhood.

Wednesday, July 20

Supersizing African aid...Um...not what we had in mind !!

Right you read this...150,000 children in Niger are just days away from dying of starvation.
Contribute some serious help....CLICK HERE or HERE

Tuesday, July 19

Been a hard day.....wonder what she's going to cook when we get home?

Monday, July 18

And when I grow up...I want to be just like....

Sunday, July 17

"Worry about that woman...wonder if she's getting wet....sure hope she don't drop the beer !

Hmmm....think I'll ask if schoolbooks are included in the 20% off special ??

Friday, July 15

The 'sisters' were overwhelmed by the response to their campaign for 'Womens Rights' more walking behind the camels they joyfully exclaimed..

Thursday, July 14

Go away kid ! don't bother me..

Everything you need for that 'special' day..

Tuesday, July 12

Sure..I'll babysit for you...Don't worry, they'll be ok !

Monday, July 11

Uh Oh....I don't think I am going to make it........

Saturday, July 9

You just know what's next ...don't you ?

Friday, July 8

Beats me...maybe we could try a bigger sign !!!

Can we take the bus next time?

Wednesday, July 6

You're not going to believe this....almost hit three police cars on the way home was so close... !

Tuesday, July 5

Right..soon as we get the car out of the river I'm going back to take care of that sign....and I don't care about the sharp edges !

You can kiss your ass goodbye when this one is fired !

Pinch yourself !'s just a bad dream !'ll be ok in the morning.

Monday, July 4

Soccer is is 'in'

Saturday, July 2

Is this why Grandma was always so happy?

Well..that's it folks!..if you're not going to check out the archives it's time to close up and head home....thanks for calling !

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......things that go "bump" in the night......

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