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Saturday, September 30

There was never a rush for the bathroom when the tourist bus stopped here..

Sunday, September 24

Richard...I've always called him Richard...

Friday, September 22

Having trouble remembering her name in the morning?

Tuesday, September 19

This will keep the kids busy ...

Monday, September 18

And put the seat down when you're finished !! (introduction to married life helpful hint #1)

He was waiting for someone to offer to go to the bar for a drink...

Wednesday, September 13

Um....let's see how fast we can finish repairing this runway guys...

Tuesday, September 12

What were the designers at Boeing thinking rear-view was she supposed to check her...

Sunday, September 10

Hmmmm....I can feel the 'hate mail' rolling in right now..

Scandinavian singles night ???

Saturday, September 9

The swamp would never be the same again.....they were going to miss him..

In memory of Steve Irwin - The Crocodile Hunter

Friday, September 8

They couldn't wait to get the new pre-fab home....they would be the envy of the ghetto...

Not enough mayo!!!...last time he'll complain.....I'll show him what enough is..

Tuesday, September 5

Why don't we just shoot him, if he runs I don't think we're gonna catch him...

Monday, September 4

Well thankyou for bringing this to our attention..we will certainly review our recruitment policy..

Things were about to get interesting on the pre-pack chicken line..

Well..that's it folks!..if you're not going to check out the archives it's time to close up and head home....thanks for calling !

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......things that go "bump" in the night......

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